
first look - alexandre plokhov f/w 2011


Remember my excitement-filled post on Plokhov's new collection a while ago? It seems that Park & Bond, a subsidiary of Gilt, is the first retailer to post some of the new collection's pieces online. Prices are a bit higher than most had been anticipating, however, are still reasonable for the products given their impeccable design and cut. The Elbow Zip blazer is currently holding the top spot on my wishlist. 




all pictures are from here, where you may see the rest


1 comment:

  1. Wow, that elbow zip blazer looks great! Looking at the full collection (or at least the pieces released so far), I'm really partial to the coats (the peacoat and the wool coat). Too bad they're a liiiittle too expensive for a gift to my boyfriend lol...
