In my continuing journey to explore the connection between music and menswear, I have stumbled upon two groundbreaking Japanese forces: the avant-garde rock band Les Rallizes Denudes and the menswear mecca that was Number (N)ine by Takahiro Miyashita.
Both were heavily influenced by Western culture, specifically that of America. Les Rallizes Denudes looked to bands like the Velvet Underground and Blue Cheer, while Number (N)ine was at times reminiscent of the Old Wild West and Edwardian tailoring. What brings these the music and the clothing together? Their shared love of a rebellious, no fucks given, rock and roll attitude. Example: Les Rallizes Denudes' original bassist went on to participate in the hijacking of Japan Airlines Flight 351, and the rest of the band carried on carriers of concerts that ended in the trashing of stages and flights with crowds. Takahiro Miyashita was known to keep skulls in his shops and started selling rosaries as fashion pieces years before it picked up with the rest of the world.
Night of the Assassins

Ice Fire